"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 1, 2013


Sunday, May 10, was our annual piano recital.  Definitely not my favorite activity, but I see many benefits, so I keep planning these nasty things every year.  (There, now you know how much I like them! :)

This year, 16 of my students were involved.  (It's optional for my school students)  We had a lot of terrific music!  My goal this year was to have each student do a duet, either with me or another student.  Most of the students accomplished that goal.  All the duets were fun to hear.  And fun for me to play as well-- since I was involved in most of them.  

Chad has some videos we'll eventually try to get onto this blog on a separate post.

This was Claire's first recital, since she got sick for last year's.  She was a little nervous, but did a fantastic job!  Jenna's 3 songs went well, but not quite as well as she would have liked-- one of them was particularly disappointing because she had practiced it just beautifully.  Katie's 2 solos went well, esp the sonatina she hated.  In fact, after the recital, she signed a paper saying she would never again play that piece. :)  And she and I did a super-fun duet.  We'll definitely have to put that on the blog.

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