"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

FL trip 3

Tuesday was our Magic Kingdom day.  The weather was gorgeous-- in fact, too warm in the afternoon.  Would probably have been nice to switch the weather on Monday with the weather on Tuesday.  Still turned out to be a great day, tho.  We had several items on our list of have-to-do's, but it all worked out well.  Got to do Small World, Dumbo (Micah's favorite, maybe), Space Mountain (Katie and Jenna and Claire's favorite), Thunder Mountain Railroad (my favorite-- I remember loving this one as a kid, too), Winnie the Pooh, carousel, Country Bears Jamboree (the girls couldn't quite figure out the point of this one) and others.  
Interesting, instead of waiting in line for Dumbo, they give you a beeper like you get at Outback and then the kids run around and play in a play area til your beeper goes off.  Micah enjoyed this twice. 

We made sure to see the parade down Main Street at 3pm.  Unfortunately, it was Blazing Hot then.  I'm sure we would have enjoyed it tons more if it had only been 65 degrees instead of 85 in the direct sun. 

Chad and his Large Smoked Turkey Leg.  We all thought it was a little goofy, but he sure thought it was tasty!

It was a long day!  We rode a shuttle bus from our condo to Disney, so we didn't have to find parking... but it also meant we were tied to their schedule.  We ended up having to stay a little longer than our energy held out.  Still, it was a very fun day. 

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