"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Crystal Grottoes/Washington Monument

Claire's finishing up her Washington County project for school.  In the next month, when her blog is finished, we'll tell you how to get to it.
On Saturday, we visited 3 of the 4 remaining places-- the Appalachian Trail, the Washington Monument, and Crystal Grottoes. The weather was gorgeous, so it made for a fun family day.

Claire in one of the AT shelters.  We walked on the AT to get to the Washington Monument (below).
We climbed the steps inside the monument.  Below is the view from the top.  Since it's on top of South Mountain, you can see PA and WV and Hagerstown, etc.  Claire just loved the view from up there!

These are the Crystal Grottoes.  Very interesting.  We had a tour with just another family of 3.  Not much more could fit in there at the same time, tho.  Passages are pretty narrow.  Micah found this place fascinating.  It was funny how "into" the guide's presentation he was. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool cave, Claire! I can't wait to read your blog about these adventures.
