"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

FL trip 6

On Thursday we went to Sanford.  Mom and dad ate lunch with some of their friends at NTM, and the 6 of us ate lunch with our friends, Brad and Wanda Hull-- missionaries we visited in PNG.  
They gave us a tour or the Homes, a retirement home for missionaries.  Had to check out the birds, of course. :)  I don't have a pic, but Wanda gave me a tour of the NTM school where she teaches.  It was really great to see the places we've heard about for several years.  Always good to be able to tour a place that we hear about regularly.
This snake cactus is one of the many cacti Brad has been starting in their yard.  Funny how it really does look like a snake crawling on the ground.

My pics got a little mixed up.  This one is of the inside of the NTM headquarters.  Chad and I toured it with mom and dad while Wanda graciously watched our kids in the park next door.  The kids were a little toured out by then.

Brad and Wanda

My parents with Joe and Sharon Goodman, missionaries my family has been friends with for MANY years.  We very much enjoyed eating supper at their home and hearing more about their life story. 

NTM headquarters, at least for a little while yet.  They are in the process of moving to a new building. 

The kids next door asked our kids to come over and play.  

Another of Brad's cacti

Claire tries out the massage chair at the retirement home. :)

Brad's office.  If you don't know him, you're missing out on a lot of fun. :)  That's a skinned cat on the wall.  And a pretend severed finger in the stone dish.

We loved the hammocks in Joe and Sharon's Panama room!  Wish we could do this at our house!

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