"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, March 8, 2013

My Bday

OK, so a week ago I turned 40.  I had not been looking forward to this bday for a long time.  And I'm still not very happy about it.  But-- it's been a week and I'm still doing alright, so I guess I'll make it. :) 
Chad and the kids did a fantastic job of making it nice for me, without it being too big of a deal.  And a huge thank you to all those who sent me birthday wishes!  What a special treat.
In the morning, we usually do family devos at 6:15 on school days-- for my bday, we watched some home videos of when Micah was little.  So fun to see the kids when they were younger!  And Claire gave me a warm blanket snuggie to wear while we watched them.  
Since it was a Wednesday, usually we have bells and choir practice, etc.  Chad had told Pastor Dave I was skipping choir so we could go out for my bday, and Dorthea cancelled bells when she found out it was my bday.  Went to Cracker Barrel-- enjoyed good food and looking in the gift shop.  Then over to a new frozen yogurt place in Martinsburg (Yo-yo Twist) for the kids to have a dessert.  I know they enjoyed the treat, but they also really liked trying out all the cool chairs in the place.  
When we got home, Chad put a few candles in a small, yummy cake made by Anna Jones, and they sang to me.  To be honest, much of the day, I was on the edge of being grumpy because I was not happy about this event.  After the cake, they gave me homemade cards and a couple little gifts.  I could hardly make it through the cards because I was crying quite a bit.  They were very sweet-- better than any other card or gift I could have gotten. I am so rich! 
Then Chad gave me a stack of cards and emails from family and friends.  By this time, I couldn't even handle reading any more, so those waited until I was 40 and 1/365.  I am so blessed!

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