"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I've Got the Worst Wart on Me

Claire's class recently memorized the poem "Sick" by Shel Silverstein.  Yesterday, Claire decided to write a similar poem.  Read it out loud! :)

I've Got the Worst Wart on Me  by Claire Wingert

I've got the worst
Wart on me,
Don't know if it's
On my thigh or my knee.

But look what it's caused,
It's only a little red,
It's so bad I'm
STILL in bed!

Now I've got
Various bruises,
Things here and
There that really oozes!

My hair limp.
I've seemed to shrink
Everytime I move
I seem to blink!

Can't laugh
Without coughing
My toe is
Really sofetning.

My eye's now blind
Surrounded by chick'npox.
There's perhaps 16,
Nah, 8, wait, nine approx.!

My spine's an S.
My face is green.
There's 99% chance
I'll break my spleen.

I'm losing my voice,
No I'm hoarse!
My little brother named
My disease-- Sick Source.

Now, ho-- uh now,
I'll just scream.
Wait uh, oh thank goodness
It's just a bad dream!


  1. What a wonderfully goofy and vividly icky poem, Claire! Aunt Dani and I quite enjoyed reading it out loud. Great job!

  2. Claire, I love your poem! In 1989, I subbed in the 4th grade and John Steed was memorizing "Sick" for the Speech Meet. He did a great job and I fell in love with it. I can't wait to hear it AND yours from you next time we're together. You'd better not forget them!
