"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 1, 2013

FL trip 1

 Left Fri Mar 15, early evening.  Drove as far as a hotel in Hillsville, VA.  Jenna was sick the next morning, so we delayed a bit, but soon she was fine and we were on our way!  Woo-hoo!  We were all very much looking forward to this trip!
At this welcome center, we stopped so the girls could change into cooler clothes.  Nice to go from 40's and sleet to 70's and sunshine!  That's the way to spend spring break!
We arrived in Kissimmee at the condo (Sheraton Vistana) by 7pm.  My parents had already arrived and mom made supper.  We checked out our very nice digs. Lovely place to spend a week!

Sunday was Jenna's birthday.  She's 11!  Hard to believe, but it's true.  We didn't have a bday cake at all, but she got candles on her breakfast cinnamon bread.  We had some presents for her in the evening.  But the BEST part (she would disagree!) was at Golden Corral where we ate lunch.  Grammy had secretly asked the server to do something for Jenna's birthday... so a whole group of servers came, announced Jenna's bday to the whole roomful of people, and then we all sang and clapped for her.  We laughed so hard-- and it was all made funnier by the redness of Jenna's face.  Poor kid.  We had so much fun at her expense.  I don't think she'll ever forget her 11th birthday!
Since it was Sunday, we drove to my Grandma Tiemeyer's winter home in Lakeland, went to church and lunch with her, and saw her home.  Very nice little place.  The screened porch was a great place to sit and visit.  The kids had a terrific time with Ginger.  
Almost right behind our condo was a beauitful pool-- with a very shallow area for little kids.  We were in it several times throughout the week.

All these pics were taken around the Sheraton property.  Very nice place for walks/runs/etc. 
More on another post

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