"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

FL trip 5

Asundry pics...
Micah LOVING the big tub in Papa and Grammy's room.  I gave him a set of plastic measuring cups to play with and he was fascinated with how they moved in the jets of water. 

This is the playground near our condo.

We didn't get many good pics of the inside of the condo.  Here's one, taken from the living area, facing the kitchen. 

Chad's map invention-- he pinned it to the ceiling in our van so the kids could follow where we were along the way home.  We drove the whole way on Sat.  It's about 15 hours driving time.  We added an or so with our stop at Steak and Shake in NC.
Micah got his first birthday presents of the year-- Papa and Grammy gave him a really cool numbers tile game.  He's not really old enough to play it the way it's designed, but, really, it's designed so you can play many different variations.  He's been making rows of numbers, as well as sometimes playing where he makes groups of numbers that add up to 22.
This is where Micah slept all week.  Our room had 2 queen sized beds.  We put Micah in the closet and one person out on the couch in the living area. Micah did very well with the closet, and sleeping was not a problem all week. 

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