"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our FIVE year old

I just can hardly believe Micah's 5 years old!  It seems like the time has flown.  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was humongously pregnant with him?? 
He sure did look forward to this birthday!  I guess he talked about it all year. Then it hit on  Monday, when I teach 15 lessons.  Yikes.  Good thing the rest of the family pitched in to make it special, cuz I didn't do much for him that day.  He had a great day! 
Early in the morning, Chad set up a string maze all over the house.  As soon as Micah got up, he followed the string around all over-- finding treats along the way.  
After Micah's nap, Chad took him to the park in Williamsport-- and took his car along.  They took a little drive down the walking path and then played in the park.  Below is the friend Micah made at the park.

While I taught the last few lessons, Katie and Jenna and Claire decorated the house and set the table nicely.  
Look at this cake!  Isn't it amazing??  Katie did it while Micah napped.  Mario and Luigi-- 2 of Micah's favorite characters recently.  We also got him a Luigi t-shirt and some little figurines.  

Micah had lots of fun opening gifts-- this round one was probably the most fun.  Katie had bought him a big ball ($2.50 at Walmart) and he LOVES it!  
Below is the license plate game he got from Uncle Jer and Aunt Dani.
Kind of goofy to have a birthday without any other family around.  Maybe when Gma gets back from CA, we'll have another little party. 


  1. Thanks for sharing the day. I loved reading about it and wish we could have been there! I guess this is one of those times when it is really nice to have three older sisters.

    Katie, that cake is great. I think you need to spend a little time at Aunt Kathy's bakery. She'd put your talents to work!

    Happy fifth birthday again, Micah! We love you lots...

  2. A couple things...
    - Sweet cake, Katie! I've always been more of a Luigi guy than a Mario guy myself. :) Do you bake treats for the family very often?
    - The string maze is CLASSIC Chad. (Although of course he got the idea from his dear mom.)
    - Does Micah's car operate Flintstones-style? Or is it battery operated?
    - Glad to see Micah finds making friends so easy! Hopefully he'll always be that way.
    - The last picture is my favorite. :)
