"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Room Changes

This winter we painted all 3 of the kids' bedrooms.  Also moved Micah downstairs, and Jenna/Claire upstairs. I've been waiting to post pics until we're finished, but I may never totally finish, I guess. :)  I still have to do curtains for Micah's room.  I'll try to get pics of that up in June, once school is finished.

I painted Katie's room a very light purple and then she designed/painted the wall art to go with her bed.  Pretty cool, huh?

This is Jenna and Claire's room.  They sure are loving their bunkbeds and the private space they each have below their bed!  Thanks to Chad's parents for the bedspreads and beanbag chairs, and thanks to my parents for the beds!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way this turned out, Michelle. Kudos to Katie on her design. It sure is amazing how different it all feels from the days when you had the blue room and the lavender was the nursery!
