"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 1, 2013

FL trip 2

Monday was our beach day, maybe the coolest day of the week-- but we still had a lot of fun.  After mom and dad agonized through a long but small breakfast in which they steadfastly refused to buy a timeshare but also earned more than $500 in Disney tickets... mom and dad went to a Tiger spring training game with my brother, Eric, who was in FL for a few days for business.  The Wingerts left for Cocoa Beach.  We checked out a large Ron Jon's Surf Shop and then walked over to the beach.  Since it was a cool day, we didn't have to fight any crowds.  I think it was 72 on the beach-- and breezy.  Still, with our several hours there, Chad and the kids made a sandcastle, played in the water, chased seagulls, ate snacks, buried Katie's feet.  PLUS, after Dad, Mom, and Eric arrived, we had a great discussion about algebra and calculus. 

We weren't working on our tans much, that's for sure!

Then a stop at McDonalds for a late supper and we discovered the yummy cinnamon rolls!

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