"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, December 31, 2010


Chad wants to chime in this time, in honor of Claire whose first birthday into God's family we celebrated today (with a candle stuck in a grape)...

Here are a few various Claireisms from comments she's uttered or written on cards or schoolwork. We need to save stuff like this for posterity (and her future husband!). I've typed it word-for-word or "un-grammatically-edited"...

"What if I burp in my sleep? I wouldn't be able to say Excuse Me."

"Madison wants to be a doctor when she grows up so that when she's sick, she can go to herself." (Madison gets credit for saying something similar but reworded slightly by Claire)

Cards... (of course, it's better if you SEE her neat handwriting and cute little pictures)...
I am thankful for you because... you are a Christian... and you are special. To Mommy

From Claire, to Mrs. Clark [her 1st grade teacher] -
Poem. I think you're a piece a cheddar so here is you're letter!
thanks a lot for teaching! I want you to teach every grade I'm in. I think you're a rainbow. All week all week. I have fun with you!

Schoolwork (on handwriting paper)...
I like to make snowmen with Katie. Since the head of the snowman falls of, we make it a two-balled snowman. I also like to have snowball fight.

My favorite season is spring because the weather is breezy. I also like spring because the flowers start growing and the grass is so green. When we pick the flowers they get really pretty every second.

This is a Sycamore tree... Every time I go outside, the first thing I see is my very own tree. I climb a tree. I first tell my Mom. Now is the time when I tell you how to climb a tree. First I run to my tree. Then I stop just in time so I don't hurt myself. By for if I am wearing shorts. I could hurt myself by the wood scraping me. The wood is hard. But then I wanted to change trees. I wanted to change trees because the wood was too hard. I changed to an oak tree. First I reached to the first branch. When I got to the top I saw birds.

[For Thanksgiving, with a colored turkey picture]...
First, I get up when there is just a little bit of light. Then, I eat breakfast and get my gun. Next I tiptoe to the forest. While waiting in the bush, I hear a, "Gobble, gobble!" We make sure the turkey isn't cute. Finally, we shoot the turkey, take it home, and cook it on Thanksgiving Day.

[This one answers the question, What would you like to find in a friend?] [and it's my personal favorite :)]...
I would like a friend that is not just pretty. But a friend that is good inside the heart. I would like a friend that is a girl. Sometimes boys. I already have a friend that is a girl. Her name is Rachel Rao. I know that she is a christian. I play a lot her. She is my bestest friend. Every day she is pretty.

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