"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Arrival in CA

Adorable Madison had made this sign-- she and Nathan were waiting for us at the LA airport.
CA looks a lot different from WV!

The first night, we went to Chad's Aunt Loine and Uncle Jeff's house. Loine is Anita's sister. (can you tell?) They live in Glendora, part of LA and yet it took us close to 2 hours to get there from the airport. Loine graciously had all of us and all of Nate's family overnight-- plus she asked her 3 sons and their families over for pizza so we could all catch up a little. House full! I think 13 kids. The pic below is Nathan, Lily, and Loine.

This is part of the lovely backyard. The white railing is at the base of the playhouse Jeff built for their grandkids. Really neat!

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