"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, January 3, 2011

MORE Christmas Fun! (PA)

Thur-Sat we spent with W's in Mechanicsburg-- fun and relaxing, at least for us... Don and Anita maybe think differently when invade their house. :) She has it beautifully decorated for Christmas, and she made lots of yummy food, even tho she wasn't feeling well the whole time.

We opened Christmas presents on Friday morning, but part of Katie's and Jenna's present from Gma and Gpa was to go to Justice to pick out some things. Gma, K, J, and I did that on Thurs. Katie picked out this hat! Isn't it cute? It's sparkly silver-- to match her purse and shoes. :) She also got some jeans and earrings. Jenna picked out some pj's, glow-in-the-dark nail polish, and a cute notepad.

This was Micah's favorite gift-- a workbench with tools. They had gotten the whole thing at a thrift shop, and then worked hard to paint pegs and drill holes so that these color-coded pegs can be pounded into the workbench. All the kids have had fun pounding. :) Micah loves the hammer, but he also loves the drill that came with this.

Claire's favorite gift was hermit crabs! Gma took her to pick out 3 of them, which she named Moonheart, Lightfoot, and Twinkleshine. She's been asking and asking for a pet-- and latches onto other people's dogs/cats/etc when we're visiting places. (One of her favorite things in CA was Aunt Wendy's cat!) Claire's loving these crabs! I'm not real thrilled to give up some of my counter space to them, but it's definitely a lot less trouble than a cat or dog!
While there, we played a bunch of games-- fun that the girls are really getting into these with us. Catch Phrase, Guesstures, Rhythm, and a few others went really well with K and J. Claire wants to be involved in most games, and then she gets frustrated because she can't do it right or she can't win; we're working on that. :)

Merry Christmas!

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