"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, December 10, 2010


Praising God for safety again. Here's the whole story...

Katie, Jenna, and I went to Walmart after supper-- main goal was to buy things for our Christmas shoeboxes for the rescue mission, but we also got a few other things. By the time we finished, they were pretty tired, and really ready to be home. (Me, too!)

Then, at the checkout, my credit card wouldn't work. Oh, boy. This was the first time that's ever happened, and you know my business manager husband keeps all our accounts in perfect order. I did not have enough cash to pay for it, and I only carry that one credit card. After the people behind us were good and mad (the line was already a quite pokey one), I got the cashier (older man who wasn't thinking very fast at all) to get a manager, who tried my card again. When it didn't work, he sent us over to customer service. We spent 15 min or more here. I had called Chad, who called the company, who said that they had not let that purchase go thru because it was more than we'd usually spend at a Walmart-type place. (Huh? I really didn't think it was that much more. By the time we buy diapers and some groceries...) It actually took another call and a few more tries by the cashier. After probably 10 attempts at scanning my card, it finally went thru, and we quite relieved to leave.

Headed right out to 81 North. We only have one exit to go to get home from there. Partway up the exit ramp, I saw the traffic was at a standstill; then I noticed the tractor trailer in the grass perpendicular to the road, just 10 cars or so ahead of us.

We only had to wait 4-5 min, and then some traffic sneaked thru. I read in the news reports that they closed 81 for 2 hours in both directions, but some of us sneaked thru before they closed it.

On the southbound side, we saw a few smashed cars, several other cars pulled off the road, and several emergency vehicles. Saw one stretcher being hauled to an ambulance. Heard no sirens, tho, so all that happened before we got out there.

Which led me to believe that the accident was right around the time we should have been out there. However, I just looked on my phone to see what time I had called Chad, and that time is 10 min after the time the news reports say the accident was reported. Sure am thankful for safety, tho!

And, Micah and I went shopping all morning. Spent money at several different stores, and my credit card worked in all of them. :) Sure was nervous about it, tho.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how many times the things we grumble about are God's provision for our safety? We know they are God's provision for our spiritual growth, but what about safety? Thank you, Lord.
