"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Marie Thrush Wingert

Yesterday we had the funeral for Chad's paternal grandma, Marie Thrush Wingert. She was a special lady, and we have already missed the "real" her for a while now. We're praising the Lord that she's now with Him instead of suffering a body that hasn't worked right for a couple years now. The pic above is her holding Claire 6 years ago-- and this is more the way I will always remember her. I enjoyed talking to her about gardening and cooking. I esp liked her potpie, ham salad, and broccoli salad. She helped us make applesauce several falls, and, for several years in December, she and I went to Denise's house to make chocolate candies. She was such a matter-of-fact person, who was known for her hospitality, cooking, and for saying, "Well, hey." :) We played oodles of games of Rummy Cube, Dominoes, and Skip Bo with her. I remember playing with her and Gpa W, who had had a stroke before I ever met him-- when we'd play Rummy Cube, she would pretty much play her board and his, since he would have trouble on his own.

Of course, Chad has very different memories of her-- he loved going to their house for several days each year with his cousin Greg, he loved going to their house and immediately going to check what kind of cereal they had :). He remembers helping to harvest and eat sweet corn every year (I remember doing this with them once, I think).

This pic is from last Jan, at her 90th bday party. In truth, I don't really remember seeing her sit up, with her eyes open, very many times after that. Her eyes often bothered her, and she slept a lot.
I'll bet she's using her eyes a lot now! :)

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