"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Date

On Saturday, Chad took me out for a surprise date!

The PTF at school provided babysitting for any kids that are potty trained, so we dropped Jenna and Claire off there. Katie stayed home with Micah.

We went to a performance of parts of Messiah-- something I'd been wanting to do for a while-- and LOVED it. It was in a beautiful Lutheran church in Hagerstown, and, since we were one of the last people to arrive, we were seated in the front row of the choir loft-- off to the side and a little elevated. We were right behind the organist (I could read his music :), and we had a perfect view of much of what was going on.

Probably the best part was the sign singer that did sign language thru the whole thing-- that was wonderful! Such a neat way to show pictures of the words in the songs. And he was dramatic about it, too. Most fun was when the singers were on one of those long words-- like "appeared"-- that lasts for a couple measures. It was fun to see how he made that sign last for as long as the word lasted.

It was a performance by the Hagerstown Choral Arts (which is a group I'd love to join in my spare time (he-he)!) with the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts (new public magnet school, admission by audition only).

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