"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, December 30, 2010

End of CA Trip

It really was a good trip in lots of ways-- kids did really well with the flying (Micah fell asleep during or right after take-off a couple times; Claire was a chatterbox cuz she was so excited/nervous); all our connections went well (just a bunch of small delays on the last leg-- plane late leaving Chicago, wait on tarmac for gate, wait long time for our luggage, wait more than 20 min for our "bus" to the parking lot); weather was great.

Had a lot of fun seeing the cousins play together. They fought a couple times, too :), but not too much. It's nice they had a chance to get to know each other better. Loved seeing Nate and Wendy's house, neighborhood, church, work, grocery store :), park, zoo, etc. Even had dinner with their friends, Ron and Brooke, who were brave enough to invite us all over for an evening!

Nathan drove us to LAX Tues morning, early. Left Visalia at 4:30am.

Chad had made copies of maps for the girls, drawing in the lines of our trip. Really goofy that Southwest had us going to New Orleans on the way out and Chicago on the way back, but it worked out fine. We covered a fair amount of the US that way!

This is Micah playing with the 2 little kids in the seat in front of him. He made friends with them, and they touched/passed things to each other for quite a while. Chad said it was starting to get a little annoying, but at least they were all entertained. :)

This is flying in to Chicago area. Lots of snow! Fun to see things from the air. Sure wish I knew what everything was. Maybe sometime I'll have to fly across country with my dad, cuz I'm sure he'd know what all those things are!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing. has been fun peaking in on your trip! this last pic of micah and nate, they have the same smile! crazy!
