"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, December 11, 2010

At the Mall

This morning, our handbell choir played at the Martinsburg Mall-- fun experience. We have been working REALLY hard on 3 pretty difficult pieces. I really enjoy the challenge of doing something musical that's so different from a choir or orchestra/band. It's also fun to play with a bunch of people of different ages-- 3 are high school girls, 1 just graduated, we have a few of us in the middle, and there are a few women closer to my mom's age. :) You can see me there in the middle. Chad came with the kids to watch. We played thru our pieces once, and then there were a few piano pieces (I played one) and then Dorthea's homeschool choir sang-- very lovely. They include the homeschooling kids and any parents that want to join, so it's also fun of diverse ages (down to kindergarten!).

We did our whole program twice through, so after Chad and the kids hear the first time, they checked out the rest of the mall. Found this really cool mirror...

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