"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

MI Trip

For Thanksgiving, we went to MI this year. Packed a lot into the few days we had there. Arrived LATE Wed pm-- mom and dad even drove out past Lansing to meet us. We traded some people around and it was a nice way to end the LONG day. Kids really did a good job riding, tho-- and Chad does a great job driving, of course. I think it was mostly me who had the problems. :)
On the left, Papa and Grammy with all the grandkids. Katie's holding Micah, Natalie's holding Heidi, Mom's holding Caleb, Dad's holding Logan, then Jenna's standing up. On the floor, Jason, Nathan, Boden, Claire.

Look below for lots more pics.

We had a big Thanksgiving meal on Thursday. Then Friday, we (Wingert 6) visited Gpa S and Eric and Lea Anne at their house. Fun to see how they've changed things since we moved them in last Christmas! Our girls love their house-- they have said that they wish they could live there. Of course, that might have something to do with the great bathtub (Aunt Lea Anne let K and J take baths!), the fish tank in the wall, the cool toys, the loft they've got tucked into an upstairs corner, and playing with their fun cousins.

Also Fri, we went to Mike and Liz's for a BIG 1-year-old bday party for Caleb and Logan. Many of the Krols/VanBeeks also came, so there were 40 of us. They even heated their garage so the kids could eat out there-- worked out well since they made a lot of racket. :) So neat to see the twins growing up! They are super cute, of course. Now both are taking a few steps, but mostly they love to crawl and explore. When they are not at home, they can easily keep 2 adults very busy. At home, it's a bit more manageable since they have things set up for them, but you know Mike and Liz are very busy!

AND, after the party Fri, Katie went with Natalie to get her ears pierced (cute!) and Jenna went with me to babysit Boden and Heidi. Heidi was in bed the whole time, but Jenna got to read about 10 books to Boden.

Saturday was our family Christmas party. 21 of us. Mom still has room at her table for more, tho. I think there were 5 leaves we didn't use. Had a great breakfast, sang thru the green book, had a Christmas story, took the family pics, and opened presents. All was a bit interesting because of all the little kids. Caleb and Logan, Heidi, Micah all still needed naps-- all on a different schedule. The older kids had a lot of fun playing together in the family room or downstairs by the pingpong table. Fun esp to see Claire and Boden and Nathan playing together so well. Saturday pm was the annual steak dinner. Mmm.

Sunday we went to church with Eric and Lea Anne; lunch was chicken at Mike and Emily's; I visited with Mike and Liz in the afternoon; and then we packed up. Left early morning on Monday. Stopped for an hour at Gma T's on the way.

Jason, Micah, Nathan

Jenna and Claire helped Grammy decorate her Christmas tree

Jenna and Claire with Heidi

Claire LOVED playing with the babies. She seems esp drawn to babies between 12 and 24 months. This is Caleb.

Katie and Natalie had a lot of fun together again. They keep with each other on email and do some chatting online. Fun for them to sleepover with each other a couple times on this trip.

Jenna's holding a placecard for the Christmas meal. Katie and Natalie and Claire made the cards, and then Katie and Natalie wrote nice things inside of the cards. Fun idea-- we're gonna try to keep this tradition up.

Elizabeth and I

I think Micah ate this whole strawberry-- greens and all. :)

We had a grapefruit eating contest. :) Eric said it was something he always wanted to do (on his "bucket list"), so he and Lea Anne bought a bunch of grapefruits and started a contest.

My dad, Emily, Eric, Mike K all participated-- was hilarious to watch. Mike K won, BTW.

Here's Claire with another baby :), Logan.

Micah was trying out the ridable dog Papa and Grammy got.


  1. Love, Love, Love the pic of the 'rents and the original four. Can I get this pic off someone???

  2. Michelle, I really enjoyed this post. It helped me get a second helping of all that fun that happened to fast to really absorb. Thanks. MOM
