"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Big CA Trip

We got back after 11pm last night from our big CA adventure. Leaving tomorrow morning for 3 days in Mechanicsburg, so I'm gonna try to quickly get this on here now.

First pic is kinda weird. :) Katie has learned to write her name and the word "chocolate" in Korean, so, in the car on the way to the airport, she wrote both words with playdough.
Here are our 4 precious kids-- very excited about our trip! This is in the "bus" that we took from the parking lot to BWI. Micah, esp, loved the bus.

Daddy's starting him out right-- making sure Micah knows all about maps, even tho, by the time he grows up, everyone in America will have a GPS. :)

Some great mountains on our way across the West. Sure wish the mountains were labeled with their exact location...

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