"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, December 20, 2010


Sat morning I took Jenna to get her hair trimmed and conditioned. Because of how curly it is naturally, and how long it is now, we've really been struggling with combing it out when it's wet, brushing it when it's dry; and she is always frustrated by how fuzzy it is. For $7, I think, they put a conditioning treatment on her hair that should last 20-30 washes. So far, she's thrilled with it. Of course, we haven't washed it yet, so we'll see what happens after the first wash, but we have high hopes. :) This morning she gave me a hug to thank me for taking her.


  1. Where was that stuff when I was struggling with Elizabeth's knotty hair???

  2. And, where's a pic of the finished product?

  3. do you use a detangler when you comb it out wet? also, avoid brushing it when dry as much as possible. that will help alot with the fuzzy. i never brush my hair. it can also make a big difference what products you use - took me years to learn that lesson.

  4. i wish i had to struggle with all the beautiful curly locks.......sigh.....

    after pics! after pics!
