"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You'd think we live in Michigan

Overnight we got 4-5 more inches of snow. 2 hour delay at Grace. Our county had no school. We're enjoying it! Loved the beautiful snow sticking to the branches of the trees, but it was also nice to have Chad and the kids home for a little while this morning. Claire's been begging to stay home from school to play with Micah more, so this was her chance.

Funny thing is that the forecaster on our radio station did not see this much snow coming. AND the same thing happened last weekend-- we got 4-5 inches then, as well, and they had said we'd have "a dusting to 1/2 inch".

Neighbor told Chad this morning that we're going to get 1 foot of snow this weekend. And the almanac says we have another large snow coming later in Feb. Ought to be fun!

Last Fri, Chad's parents came so I could paint Micah's bedroom. Figured at some point he'd get sick of the pink and yellow flowers left there from when Claire was in it. I know I was getting sick of them, anyway! With their help, I got a huge amount done fast! Working around Micah's naptimes, that probably would have taken me a week, but they read Micah about 20 books, fed him, played with him, and kept him out of the bedroom. Don even helped paint (the nasty parts-- up by the ceiling and around the ceiling fan). So, ceiling and walls (2 colors-- one on top and one on bottom) were finished on Friday.

On Saturday, Jenna and I painted green grass halfway up the walls. On Monday, Katie put up the animal wall stickers we had gotten at the Dollar Tree. Then they helped me decide I really needed to repaint the yellow dresser and shelf. They just didn't look right, and I had plenty of blue paint left. That's finished now.

So, soon we'll get a pic of the room and post it.

Found out this week that my parents are going to visit in April, and Eric and Lea Anne are visiting in May. Anyone else want to come? :) We definitely have more room for people now.


1 comment:

  1. sometimes i wish we WERE in michigan!

    Katie Lynnae Wingert
