"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's Here!

Oodles of snow during the night. We had maybe 5 inches before we went to bed. Now it's somewhere around 20 inches. We just had a purple pancake breakfast, and now we're all going to head outside. Chad and I (and the girls some, too) will shovel driveway while kids play. Chad will head out first to make a path so Micah will have somewhere to walk. He definitely couldn't walk in this snow!

It's gorgeous. We'll send pics later.

Last night Chad went out to shovel before dark, and once after dark-- hoping to make it a little easier today. We have one neighbor with a snowblower and it's not working. Hah! So many years we have no need of one anyway, and then when we do, theirs breaks. Guess we need the exercise anyway.


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