"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rotten Morning

It's been a real winner of a day so far. Claire was cranky and extremely slow getting ready for school. Jenna burst into tears when told she had to wear an extra coat (she left hers somewhere else yesterday). Katie was cranky and all uptight worrying about getting to school on time. Micah was mad because I wouldn't let him watch Little Einsteins first thing after they left.

15 min after they left, I got a call from Chad. He had picked up Devon and then headed down Grade Road. The Venture broke down right by the bank. Making a funny noise. Overheated. He looked under the hood, and it does not look good.

I put the milk away, pulled on some jeans with my pj top, and grabbed Micah. We got down there in the other vehicle in time to transfer them all (with backpacks, etc) and get to school on time. Lots of girl trouble on the way to school, tho, because all three of them were crammed together in the backseat. Had to tell them they weren't allowed to talk.

Dropped them off. Now Chad will call to get the Venture towed. (This is why we pay for AAA) He and all the kids will have to ride home with Tangene right after school. I stopped at the bank to make sure they don't tow our van for being in their lot.

So we are down to one vehicle again. And the one we have needs attention, too. This van has been great for us, but last week the blower for the heater got stuck on high. When the vehicle is on, we can adjust the temp, but not the blower speed.


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