"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's stopped

Snow stopped falling maybe an hour ago. It's somewhere in the 24-26 inch range. When we were out this morning, we took a yardstick and it read 21-23 inches in different places, and we got some more since then.

Kids had a great time playing in it. Micah didn't last very long, tho, since he was confined to a narrow path. He went in and watched Bob the Builder instead.

Chad and I both shoveled a bunch but had hardly made a dent in it when a pickup with a plow came along-- plowed our culdesac and then asked if we wanted our driveway done. Yippee! That was tons faster! It was esp hard to shovel because the bottom several inches were very heavy and wet. The top snow was much lighter.

I finished a 1000 puzzle today! Chad, Katie, and Jenna all helped with it-- fun to have a family puzzle once. And nice that Jenna, esp, seems to love them.

We made Mrs. Hull's rolls for supper tonight, and I invented a sausage soup that turned out pretty good (not according to the youngest 3, tho...). Jenna and I are going to make chocolate pudding creations later.

We tried watching Fiddler on the Roof last night, but it went way over their heads. Guess Chad and I will have to finish that without the kids. Will have to stick to Nemo or something tonight. Maybe Little Rascals. :)


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