"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Tubing

So, what do you do when you have days off from school? Go snow tubing! Actually, Grace's PTF had this group outing planned for a while, but it was nice that it came on a Friday afternoon-- after a whole week off school. The kids were happy to see some of their friends. This is Claire with Lleyton, a boy in her class that she talks a lot about.

It was a gorgeous day for tubing-- sunny for the first hour, and we never got very cold. The kids all had so much fun-- and so did the adults! It was the first time I'd been tubing since before Claire was born, I think. Chad's done it almost every year with the kids.

This is Claire-- check out her eyes-- this is becoming a classic Claire look. She does goofy things with looking out of the corner of her eyes. :) She's a goof alright!
The drive up to Whitetail was interesting. It's in PA-- I think technically Mercersburg. We took the Umstead's truck, so we were squished in there pretty tightly. The road to Whitetail had been closed (snow) til just that day, or maybe the day before. And we saw why. There was one spot where the banks of snow were higher than our truck cab-- lots of drifting.
However, really the worst part of the driving was the mile closest to home. For some strange reason, the plows cleared up to the plaza on Grade Road (the pizza restaurant and C-store) but did not clear well past that. It's still not down to pavement. The narrow, snow-covered 1-mile stretch before our development was rather treacherous-- big ruts and potholes. Kids said it was like Papa and Grammy's road in the summertime.
Heard we're supposed to get more Mon. Forecaster on WCRH doesn't even dare to say an amount predicted-- "light to moderate accumulation". Hah! That could mean all sorts of things. :)

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