"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lookin' back to 2009...

Okay, Chad wants to create his first blog posting...

This weekend's snowstorm gave us a chance to finally publish our 2009 Year-in-Review. Yes, we know we're already pretty far along 2010's lap around the sun, but better now than never! Rather than our traditional mailed copy, we thought we'd try a blog posting since we're now so technologically-inclined (Ha).

Hmm, 2009. Maybe we'll give you the main highlights in a more bulletpoint style...

* First full year with increased living space from our house addition - thank you, Lord!

* Daily ups & downs (sometimes roller-coasterish) but overall growth as a family

* Eyes opened wider to the world as 4 of us experienced missions work in the California-sized country of Papua New Guinea, where 800 different tribes need Christ. In regard to a possible future in overseas missions, God's not giving us a sense of the immediate, but we're even more open to whatever His plan might involve.
* 44 hours in the sky round-trip through 14 different time zones
* Added perk at the end: cuddling a koala & petting kangaroos in Australia + an outdoor pool in the middle of their winter

* Chad's weekend trip to California for a rare reunion with brothers & family

* Michelle's 5-day trip to Michigan to help with cute newborn twin nephews

* God's provision bigtime for each one of these trips to be paid for almost entirely through gifts or donations!

* Continued involvement in many ways in our healthy & growing church

* Chad's sax & Michelle's bassoon remain warmed-up through orchestra

* Katie is now a 6th grade middle-schooler, and loves her teachers, changing classes, and keeping a neat locker
* Katie enjoyed summer volleyball camp & becoming an official athlete on Grace's junior high volleyball team
* Katie shows giftedness in creative writing and art, as well as drama and handbells at church, and piano at home
* Katie loves to somersault all over the house

* Jenna loves 2nd grade, enrichment classes, and her many friends
* Jenna shows giftedness as a natural scientist and mathematician
* Jenna ran Power Point as she and Katie led 3 chapels at school about their experiences in PNG
* Jenna loves playing piano (especially with Mommy as teacher)

* Claire kicked off her school career as a kindergartener, and reads like a pro
* Claire shows giftedness in natural athletic ability and whacks a whiffleball with ease
* Claire is uninhibited & plain-down silly much of the time
* Claire reached the 5-year milestone of her infant heart surgery and is doing great! ...
* And Claire recently asked Jesus into her heart, so it's fixed in another (and more special) way as well!

* Micah closing in on his 2-year birthday in April
* Micah's vocabulary growing exponentially (fun!) and can practically count to ten
* Micah loves doors, buttons, buckles, and choo-choo trains - and his 3 big sisters!
* Micah always "hungy" (hungry), especially for a'mal cackers or fuffins

So there's our Wingert family snapshot for 2009. God is so good!

Speaking of snapshots, we'll soon be posting a whole bunch of pictures of our 2+ weeks in Papua New Guinea and Australia. Check 'em out at your leisure. We'd love the opportunity to tell you more.

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