"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, February 8, 2010

Here we go again :)

They just announced there's no school tomorrow. Chad was at work today, and talked to the principal about the decision-- tough one! Some schools will be closed, some would normally just have delays, because many of the roads still are yucky-- but snow's supposed to be starting during the day again. Could be 10 inches more. Obviously, it's very possible school's cancelled Wed as well. And Thurs?

Kids just cheered when we announced it. They are enjoying this home time, and so am I. :)

The other day, when the snow was very fresh, we made vanilla "snow cream"-- was very good! Vanilla, sugar, milk, and snow. See above.


  1. You know that they will carry the memory of this snowstorm into adulthood! How great you are making this such an extra fun time for them to look back on!

  2. Snow cream was Chad's idea-- I just assembled it. :)
