"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday Update

It IS Wednesday, isn't it? The days are all running together. :) We've gotten about 10 more inches of snow since yesterday. Chad shoveled 4 inches before dark, and he went out to shovel a couple more inches late at night, and this morning he and I shoveled 4 or 5.
It's still coming. This is just amazing. In the above pic, leading out of our garage this morning, you can see the piles of snow we've cleared off our driveway. Today it's windy, so we may have some blowing snow and drifting issues.

Most fascinating to me this morning was to see the trunks of our trees disappearing. Above is Micah's tree, with Claire's behind it-- and both hardly have any trunks showing. On the Accuweather map, it has a shaded area with "worst of the storm" written over it. Katie commented that it should say "BEST of the storm". :) We're enjoying this.

This is Katie's tree. Marriage conference we were going to go to at our church Fri pm and Sat has been cancelled. Of course no church at all tonight. Can't imagine having school tomorrow. And Friday's supposed to be a half day (professional day). Monday's off for President's Day. Hah! We need another day off. :) Chad and girls are playing Go Fish right now. Girls made Valentines this morning. Yesterday Katie totally cleaned out and organized her room-- totally enjoyed doing it. :)

This is looking out the front door this morning. You can see the fort Chad and the girls made the other day (blanket roof). Above the fort is Jenna's tree, and to the right of that, you see the neighbor's SUV. At least you see the mound that has a car under it. They never cleared it off from the first snow. It's a 3rd car they don't use much.
Other note-- our Venture is kah-put. Sounds like it has a cracked head or something. Would be upwards of $2,000 to repair-- partly because that van is poorly laid out-- everything is hard to get to-- lot of that would be labor. It has 216,000 miles on it, and it's a 1998, so it's not worth repairing.
At the moment we have Umstead's 4-wheel drive truck in the garage-- has been handy for Chad to get to Hagerstown a few times this week. We'll probably try to get by with only our one van for a time, and look for a car that gets good gas mileage to use as a second vehicle.

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