"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More, more, more!

Snow started again today at 10:30ish. We've got about 4 inches and it's definitely been coming faster the past couple hours than it was earlier. Love the big, pretty flakes! Chad's wondering about the shoveling, tho... :)

About the time the snow started midmorning, Berkeley County announced it's cancelling school for the whole rest of the week. Now, I haven't been off our property since last Thurs pm, but Chad and the 3 piano students' families that came today all said that parts of Grade Road were REALLY bad. Big line-up of cars at that S curve (you'd think they would have straightend it all the way), and one person saw a pickup sideways in the road. There was some sort of big accident in Martinsburg today, too. I really should look it up online, I guess. Caused all sorts of traffic snarls-- called in the National Guard, someone said.

So, about our school... Grace has cancelled school for tomorrow. I think that's our last allotted snow day. Not sure what happens after that-- we were all really excited to be finished before Memorial Day this year, but maybe that won't happen!

Non-snow happenings-- Katie and Jenna are both doing a fantastic job on some hard piano pieces. You all really should come for their recital-- Mar 28! And Katie's going to be singing a vocal solo in Fine Arts at Grace at the end of February (barring a snowday on the 25th :). And Katie's working on a drama part--she's auditioning for a part in the You Are Special school musical (Grace's first big one) that'll be May 7th.

Micah's speech just expands by leaps and bounds-- we all have such fun listening to him. And he LOVES having books read to him. AND, he's gettin much better about not getting into trouble. Wonderful!!

Claire went on a date with Daddy today (and you thought snowdays meant you had to stay home!). They had a great time at Chuckie Cheese and Burger King and Dollar Tree-- great lineup, eh?


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