"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More pics

During the day today, I think we got a couple more inches. Not positive how much since it blew a fair amount also.
Listened to the radio a little today. Heard they closed many of the interstates and were just begging people to stay home. Chad's really hoping to get into school tomorrow morning to do a direct deposit for the teachers' payday. We'll see! We heard a few funny comments from the radio announcers-- like when he was getting ready to read the list of closures, "Let's take another look at the list that never ends." And another time we heard him say, "For the list of closures, please see our website. We're not trying to frustrate those of you that don't have internet access, it's just that if we read it all we wouldn't have time for anything else."

Very tough for the little kids to walk in. Jenna and Claire didn't last long outside at all-- besides the deep snow, it was windy and nasty off and on.

Katie jumped off the deck into a snow pile!

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