"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Sunday, February 7, 2010

No school

No church today. No school tomorrow. Berkeley Co has actually cancelled school for tomorrow and Tues already.

We haven't been out yet, but we heard the secondary roads are pretty bad, and 81 is still at one lane.

Katie made choc chip cookies today. Claire and I made pumpkin bread. We shared some of each with Jessica and kids.

We played Twister; Chad played Pick Up Snakes with Claire; girls played school :) and they want to again tomorrow. I'm hoping my piano students show up tomorrow. We'll see!

Chad will be going to work, at least part of the day. We have the Umstead's 4-wheel drive pickup here right now-- have since last week. Our Venture is still in the shop. Turns out it may be something serious-- they aren't even positive yet, but Chad told them not to rush. If this is the end of the Venture, we may try to get by with one car for a while again. (We did it for 11 years, but I really would rather not again! Guess I'm soft) And, when we have to bite the bullet and buy another, we'll spend our tax refund on it. :) Chad worked late last night figuring it out-- and we are thrilled to find out the results will be very helpful with a new car purchase. There's definitely something not right about our tax system, but would we be dishonest to not take the money honestly coming to us? Weird.

Chad's reading Little House on the Prairie to Katie and Jenna right now. I wish you could observe the idyllic scene. :)


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