"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wingert's Got Talent :)

Last night was the school's Talent Show and Katie did a terrific job in it! In front of 350-400 people, she belted out Never Alone (Barlow Girl).

We didn't get great pics-- the top one is actually of the screen on the wall. We got a few video clips; I'll have to see if I can get them on so you can hear a bit of it.
Ever since her audition on Oct 21, Katie was very nervous about doing this: she didn't feel like her audition went all that well, and she didn't have much confidence in herself. Of course, she didn't believe me when I contradicted that, either. This Thurs, I arranged a voice lesson for her with our music pastor-- she got to sing her song on the stage at church with the microphone, and that really seemed to help. By the 3rd time thru it that night, it had really improved; but, then, last night-- I've never heard it that good! She said, "It just clicked."
The senior who was emceeing the program said she had such a large voice for such a small person :) and then the judges had some great comments for her, too. It was fun to hear a bunch of students cheering for her as well.
She didn't not get one of the top 3 prizes, but she was definitely in the top half of the 15 total. Top 3 were a Korean boy playing the piano and singing, a Korean girl playing a wonderful Beethoven piano piece, and 2 senior girls doing a parody of California Girls ("Grace Academy Girls"). The voting was interesting-- each audience member got one vote and the 2 judges got weighted votes (60 for the person they thought was first place, etc).
Other acts-- a drum solo, several monologues and skits, a guitar duet, a couple solos-- one with piano and one with a "band", a girls vocal duet.
Afterward, several people had wonderful comments to tell us about Katie's voice and her solo. It will be interesting to see what she'll want to do with singing in the future. She did a terrific job on this solo, but mostly she likes to sing harmony.

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