"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Quiz Update

Gotta brag on Katie a little--

She's been memorizing Hebrews like crazy. About a verse a day since late Aug.

This past Sun, during quiz practice, she quoted all of the first 6 chapters with only 3 helps!

She had done all 6 chaps for me the night before, and it took her more than 20 helps, and about 50 minutes. It was the first time we'd done it all for a while, tho, and it was too late at night for optimum brain power. :) I was so surprised that she improved that much by Sunday afternoon! I'm sure fewer distractions helps, too. Our house is often a bit of a zoo :), and it's much quieter at quiz practice.

A few of her friends have not been able to keep up with all the memorizing (it's a lot!) so they won't be allowed to go on the quiz trip to Chicago Dec. 3. I'm so glad she can go, because I hear the trips are a lot of fun-- a good motivation to keep memorizing.

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