"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, November 5, 2010

Book Review

Recently, Katie wrote a book review for school. I very much enjoyed reading it. Thought you would too:

by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton

I have read this fabulous real-life fiction book by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton numerous times. Every time I read it, it makes a different impact on me.

Junior Amber Thomas is a fantastic swimmer, an outstanding student, and has a positive attitude. Rumor says Amber is going to be on the school soccer team. At first, she takes the odd idea lightly and kindly says she is definitely NOT going to be on the team. Then when her dad-- a former star soccer player-- finds out, he is overjoyed and ecstatic that his daughter is going to take after him. Of course, it HAS to land on his birthday! Amber has no choice but to impress Mr. Thomas by being on the team. Amber and her dad work every day on soccer skills, but Amber is sure she doesn't have the soccer gift.

Then more comes up. Her "friend", Alex Diaz, comes to Amber's house all the time. She gives her Bible verses to put on the TodaysGirls.com website that Amber came up with, just for her and her high school friends, including Alex. She knows that THIS isn't the real trickster Alex! WHAT is going on?

At the same time, the principal at school announces a Web Master contest to see who can create the best website about school news and happenings. Amber is determined to win, being the website creator that she is already. But one of her classmates, Samantha, is also competing. And it's known that Sam is a computer whiz. Will Amber be like Jesus and be considerate and loving?

I love how Knowlton translates some of the book into a computer conversation among Amber and her friends. It's great for preteens and teenagers because it relates to everyday life. I highly recommend this book for preteen and teenage girls who need guidance for their decisions in life.

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