"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Last week Micah and I went to get apples for me to make sauce. Went to the local produce stand (mom, where you went with me to get pumpkins). I paid inside for 2 bushels of apples and then took the bags outside to fill them up at the big bins of "seconds". They purposefully put the apple crates by the cows so that when you find a bad apple you can pitch in by the cows. Micah LOVED this. It was a gorgeous day, and, for the first 5 min, he sat in the grass and read a book, but then he noticed me throwing apples in by the cows... So, I gave him one to throw in-- he loves to throw things anyway, but then he was fascinated to see the cows bend down and eat the apple whole. He kept coming back to me for more "yucky" apples, so we really cleaned out their bins for them. :)

After Chad and the girls left this morning, Micah and I read a few books; but, as with all our kids at this age, his attention span for children's books is generally a lot longer than mine. So then I got him a pile of Dr. Seuss books to read by himself. Right now he's going thru the pile. It's funny to hear him "read" them... he's so familiar with the books that he often quotes the right words on the right page. Sometimes with the same expression I use (like a high, quiet voice when it's a little bird). And when he's not doing that, he's just talking aloud about what he sees.

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