"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Piano Acquisition

We are now a 2-piano family! Some people have 2 TVs, or 2 computers-- we have 2 pianos. And I'm thrilled! My friend and piano student, Bunny (I blogged about her a month ago), had a nice digital piano that her family decided to give to me. I'm pretty sure Bunny even told me once that she wanted me to have it after she would die, and, at the time, I didn't know what I'd do with a digital piano. I really don't want a digital piano for my main piano-- just not the same! And I have to listen to it hours and hours every week, to say nothing of playing it myself. However, it also has tons of benefits-- a volume button, headphone capability (I think, haven't figured this out yet), small size, and tons of fun options for sounds, etc. The girls have had tons of fun messing with it, and I love the increased interest in piano again. Plus, Katie and Jenna both got their practicing done yesterday DURING my piano lessons. Otherwise, with all my students, it gets a little tough to arrange time for them to get their practicing accomplished.

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