"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, November 22, 2010

Remembering David Grove

Yesterday afternoon, Chad and I went to an amazing funeral, and I wanted to tell you about it. You can also read an article about it and see pics at today's Herald Mail from Hagerstown. Can't figure out how to put the link here, but right now it's the top story.

We wished we'd taken our camera. Visually, it was amazing. David graduated from Grace in '97, after our 2nd year there. His mom worked beside Chad for many years, as the elem secretary. I taught his sister Jennifer in 4th grade. And they attended our church til about 2 years ago when they decided they were tired of driving 45 min to church. David was still a member at IBC and kept up with lots of friends at our church.

David was a Wildlife Conservation Officer with a terrific testimony for faithfulness, etc. Loved by oodles of people, and honored by thousands because he was a law officer killed in the line of duty. A week and a half ago, he made a traffic stop in a rural area-- a suspected poacher shining deer and killing them at night. The man shot David 4 times; David must have gotten him once because the man was in the hospital for a gunshot wound.

The funeral was visually amazing because of the hundreds of law enforcement officers. I've never seen anything like it. There were police cars everywhere in the neighborhood. When we got there about 25 min before the start time, most of the officers were still in their LONG, perfect, silent rows outside. They were in the process of processing into the high school, so we had to stand outside and watch for like 20 min. It really looked neat to see such a large amount of them together in their dress uniforms.

Many of the officers were in the auditorium with us, but several were in the gym watching on tv. We couldn't really see the officers because we were in the balcony (with a couple hundred other people, mostly IBCers and GAers). We could see David's family in the front row, and we could see the flag-draped casket when they carried it in. Everything very solemn and formal. Bagpipes playing when they took the casket in and out.

I heard there were about 1,600 people in the auditorium and several hundred more in the gym. Prob over 2,000 in all. Gov Rendell (PA) was there and several other important people.

Wonderful things said by some of David's friends, a couple we know from church, and one was another Wildlife Conservation Officer. Great slideshow with SCChapman's song-- the one he wrote about the day his little daughter was killed.

Best part was the message by Pastor Mark, tho. Extremely clear Gospel message. Kept thinking how neat it was that Gov Rendell and all those law officers were hearing this.

1 comment:

  1. A very powerful picture of the brotherhood between those in law enforcement. The more powerful brotherhood, of course, was in the body of Christ, also on display yesterday.
