"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Indian Girl

Friday was the elementary Thanksgiving party. Jenna and Claire both dressed up as Indian girls-- very cute, of course. I went to help with Claire's party, so I was planning to take my camera and get pics there. Didn't happen somehow (Micah's accident was about 10 min before I left to drop him off at the babysitters). So I have no pics of this year's party to show you. :(

I arrived at the party at 11:30. One other mom came and a dad that just sat and watched :), so Julie and I set up the party food-- quite a feast for 1st graders. There were enough raw veggies there to feed 30 adults. Ever notice how much 6 year olds like celery? :) They really loved the fruit and turkey and macaroni and cheese, tho.

Claire's teacher wanted to go to the viewing for the Grace graduate (David Grove) that was killed last week (Chad went also), so I was the substitute teacher during the party. Was fun, esp cuz they are a great group of kids that the teacher has well-trained. We went outside, watched a video, did a word search, made Thanksgiving cards, played Pin the Tail on the Turkey and Ring the Pumpkin.

And all the while, I had on a headband with Indian feathers-- Mrs. Clark made me wear those to show I was the "Chief". :)

Claire had great fun with me in her classroom. She's such a goofy kid-- it's fun to see that she can be well-behaved at school! I do remember how, before she entered kindergarten, I was pretty convinced she'd be a behavior problem at school. I was wrong! She sure has grown up a lot in the last 3 years or so.

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