"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Traumatic week at our house-- on Wed I dropped a very heavy container on my toe. Deja vu-- did this when I was 16? That time I had a during-the-night visit to the ER with mom to relieve the pressure on my toenail. I was picturing that happening all over again. Turns out it hit my upper toe this time (pays to have toes that aren't too stumpy :). Pretty painful on Wed, but feels pretty good now. And has been turning pretty colors each day. Interesting how it spreads all around my toe.

Then, yesterday's deal was bigger-- Micah fell when he was in the family room by himself. I didn't observe it, but I'm guessing he maybe hit the trunk we use as a coffee table. By the time I got there, his face and hands were covered in blood, and I didn't know what was bleeding. Cleaned it up enough to find out it was in his mouth. He has a sore inside his upper lip, and his upper gums look terrible. Bled for about 15 min, and started bleeding a few more times throughout the day (prob cuz he sucks his thumb), and right now the gums look very dark. Today he also has a fat upper lip.

Yesterday I felt around at his teeth, and I thought they all felt pretty good, but it was pretty tough to check it out with him being so unhappy-- didn't much want me feeling around in his mouth. Tonight I examined them again, and I think 2 teeth are a little loose. Yippee. What does that mean? I looked it up on the internet, and I guess it may mean they will turn dark. Guess we'll find out. I'll call the dentist Mon, too.

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