"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Just thought I'd let you know that the stinkbugs have slowed down majorly. We never see them outside any more. Still kill probably 2-3 a day indoors, tho. So, what does that mean? Are they hiding all over in our house, and just coming out one-by-one? Supposedly, they don't multiply in houses. Hmm.

Last night, well, early this morning, Micah woke up crying that there was a stinkbug in his bed-- Chad was downstairs and heard him, Katie and I both woke out of our sleep and we all 3 headed for his bed since he was crying so hard. No stinkbug. I think he had a nightmare about it. That may be the first time that I'm fairly positive he had a dream/nightmare and could tell us a little about it.

1 comment:

  1. Our Box Elders have slowed considerably as well. Although, the last few days there's been a little bit of a resurgence (the warmer weather?). I was wondering the same thing about them hiding all over and just coming out a few at a time...
