"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Claire, The Turkey

This is SO perfect... for their Thanksgiving play in tonight's school program, Claire was a turkey. And she hammed it up a little before and after the play as well. :) She just can be so funny, and I think she knows it...

Micah sings!

Quiz Update

Gotta brag on Katie a little--

She's been memorizing Hebrews like crazy. About a verse a day since late Aug.

This past Sun, during quiz practice, she quoted all of the first 6 chapters with only 3 helps!

She had done all 6 chaps for me the night before, and it took her more than 20 helps, and about 50 minutes. It was the first time we'd done it all for a while, tho, and it was too late at night for optimum brain power. :) I was so surprised that she improved that much by Sunday afternoon! I'm sure fewer distractions helps, too. Our house is often a bit of a zoo :), and it's much quieter at quiz practice.

A few of her friends have not been able to keep up with all the memorizing (it's a lot!) so they won't be allowed to go on the quiz trip to Chicago Dec. 3. I'm so glad she can go, because I hear the trips are a lot of fun-- a good motivation to keep memorizing.


Just thought I'd let you know that the stinkbugs have slowed down majorly. We never see them outside any more. Still kill probably 2-3 a day indoors, tho. So, what does that mean? Are they hiding all over in our house, and just coming out one-by-one? Supposedly, they don't multiply in houses. Hmm.

Last night, well, early this morning, Micah woke up crying that there was a stinkbug in his bed-- Chad was downstairs and heard him, Katie and I both woke out of our sleep and we all 3 headed for his bed since he was crying so hard. No stinkbug. I think he had a nightmare about it. That may be the first time that I'm fairly positive he had a dream/nightmare and could tell us a little about it.


Monday, November 22, 2010


Forgot to mention that after the funeral, we left before funeral procession and graveside. As we drove down main street, there were hundreds of people lining the streets with flags, waiting for the funeral procession. Neat!

Remembering David Grove

Yesterday afternoon, Chad and I went to an amazing funeral, and I wanted to tell you about it. You can also read an article about it and see pics at today's Herald Mail from Hagerstown. Can't figure out how to put the link here, but right now it's the top story.

We wished we'd taken our camera. Visually, it was amazing. David graduated from Grace in '97, after our 2nd year there. His mom worked beside Chad for many years, as the elem secretary. I taught his sister Jennifer in 4th grade. And they attended our church til about 2 years ago when they decided they were tired of driving 45 min to church. David was still a member at IBC and kept up with lots of friends at our church.

David was a Wildlife Conservation Officer with a terrific testimony for faithfulness, etc. Loved by oodles of people, and honored by thousands because he was a law officer killed in the line of duty. A week and a half ago, he made a traffic stop in a rural area-- a suspected poacher shining deer and killing them at night. The man shot David 4 times; David must have gotten him once because the man was in the hospital for a gunshot wound.

The funeral was visually amazing because of the hundreds of law enforcement officers. I've never seen anything like it. There were police cars everywhere in the neighborhood. When we got there about 25 min before the start time, most of the officers were still in their LONG, perfect, silent rows outside. They were in the process of processing into the high school, so we had to stand outside and watch for like 20 min. It really looked neat to see such a large amount of them together in their dress uniforms.

Many of the officers were in the auditorium with us, but several were in the gym watching on tv. We couldn't really see the officers because we were in the balcony (with a couple hundred other people, mostly IBCers and GAers). We could see David's family in the front row, and we could see the flag-draped casket when they carried it in. Everything very solemn and formal. Bagpipes playing when they took the casket in and out.

I heard there were about 1,600 people in the auditorium and several hundred more in the gym. Prob over 2,000 in all. Gov Rendell (PA) was there and several other important people.

Wonderful things said by some of David's friends, a couple we know from church, and one was another Wildlife Conservation Officer. Great slideshow with SCChapman's song-- the one he wrote about the day his little daughter was killed.

Best part was the message by Pastor Mark, tho. Extremely clear Gospel message. Kept thinking how neat it was that Gov Rendell and all those law officers were hearing this.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Indian Girl

Friday was the elementary Thanksgiving party. Jenna and Claire both dressed up as Indian girls-- very cute, of course. I went to help with Claire's party, so I was planning to take my camera and get pics there. Didn't happen somehow (Micah's accident was about 10 min before I left to drop him off at the babysitters). So I have no pics of this year's party to show you. :(

I arrived at the party at 11:30. One other mom came and a dad that just sat and watched :), so Julie and I set up the party food-- quite a feast for 1st graders. There were enough raw veggies there to feed 30 adults. Ever notice how much 6 year olds like celery? :) They really loved the fruit and turkey and macaroni and cheese, tho.

Claire's teacher wanted to go to the viewing for the Grace graduate (David Grove) that was killed last week (Chad went also), so I was the substitute teacher during the party. Was fun, esp cuz they are a great group of kids that the teacher has well-trained. We went outside, watched a video, did a word search, made Thanksgiving cards, played Pin the Tail on the Turkey and Ring the Pumpkin.

And all the while, I had on a headband with Indian feathers-- Mrs. Clark made me wear those to show I was the "Chief". :)

Claire had great fun with me in her classroom. She's such a goofy kid-- it's fun to see that she can be well-behaved at school! I do remember how, before she entered kindergarten, I was pretty convinced she'd be a behavior problem at school. I was wrong! She sure has grown up a lot in the last 3 years or so.


Traumatic week at our house-- on Wed I dropped a very heavy container on my toe. Deja vu-- did this when I was 16? That time I had a during-the-night visit to the ER with mom to relieve the pressure on my toenail. I was picturing that happening all over again. Turns out it hit my upper toe this time (pays to have toes that aren't too stumpy :). Pretty painful on Wed, but feels pretty good now. And has been turning pretty colors each day. Interesting how it spreads all around my toe.

Then, yesterday's deal was bigger-- Micah fell when he was in the family room by himself. I didn't observe it, but I'm guessing he maybe hit the trunk we use as a coffee table. By the time I got there, his face and hands were covered in blood, and I didn't know what was bleeding. Cleaned it up enough to find out it was in his mouth. He has a sore inside his upper lip, and his upper gums look terrible. Bled for about 15 min, and started bleeding a few more times throughout the day (prob cuz he sucks his thumb), and right now the gums look very dark. Today he also has a fat upper lip.

Yesterday I felt around at his teeth, and I thought they all felt pretty good, but it was pretty tough to check it out with him being so unhappy-- didn't much want me feeling around in his mouth. Tonight I examined them again, and I think 2 teeth are a little loose. Yippee. What does that mean? I looked it up on the internet, and I guess it may mean they will turn dark. Guess we'll find out. I'll call the dentist Mon, too.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Kids didn't have school Fri, in honor of Veteran's Day, so I took them up to PA Thur pm (while Chad enjoyed a 3-hour board meeting :). Anita and I went to a Christmas craft open house, while Gpa babysat. They obviously had fun! Girls all dressed up. Micah played with the Ducky game repeatedly. Probably he did a few other things, too. Oh, yeah, he emptied out all the stuff from the play refrigerator. He has a penchant for destruction. Not necessarily ruining things, just dismantling, spreading around, creating disarray.
We stayed overnight. The women (minus Claire) went thrift store shopping Fri morning. And then I left with K, J, M after lunch. Claire got to stay for her bday stay with Gma. They came home Sat pm-- perfect amount of time for her to get to do some fun things but not enough to get bored by herself. They went to Hershey Chocolate World (she loves the ride, not the chocolate) and Friendly's. They played games and ate a few meals of macaroni, and Claire started painting the little wooden family Auntie Liz gave her.
Sunday morning was big for us-- it was Anniversary Sunday at our church so Dave had planned lots of special music. Chad played with the orchestra. I sang in the adult choir. And I directed the kids in a children/teen/adult choir combined song. Wow-- about 100 voices. Dave directed the teens and the adults, and I directed the kids because we sang a counter melody for part-- kids would not have gotten it without someone specifically directing them. Sounded really neat. Jenna and Claire were both in this, and they did a nice job. Sometimes, Claire can look a bit clueless when she's supposed to be singing, but she was really into this one.


Last week Micah and I went to get apples for me to make sauce. Went to the local produce stand (mom, where you went with me to get pumpkins). I paid inside for 2 bushels of apples and then took the bags outside to fill them up at the big bins of "seconds". They purposefully put the apple crates by the cows so that when you find a bad apple you can pitch in by the cows. Micah LOVED this. It was a gorgeous day, and, for the first 5 min, he sat in the grass and read a book, but then he noticed me throwing apples in by the cows... So, I gave him one to throw in-- he loves to throw things anyway, but then he was fascinated to see the cows bend down and eat the apple whole. He kept coming back to me for more "yucky" apples, so we really cleaned out their bins for them. :)

After Chad and the girls left this morning, Micah and I read a few books; but, as with all our kids at this age, his attention span for children's books is generally a lot longer than mine. So then I got him a pile of Dr. Seuss books to read by himself. Right now he's going thru the pile. It's funny to hear him "read" them... he's so familiar with the books that he often quotes the right words on the right page. Sometimes with the same expression I use (like a high, quiet voice when it's a little bird). And when he's not doing that, he's just talking aloud about what he sees.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Talent Videos

Big Thank You to Eric for helping me get these videos on. :) Here are some clips so you can hear a part of Katie's song.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wingert's Got Talent :)

Last night was the school's Talent Show and Katie did a terrific job in it! In front of 350-400 people, she belted out Never Alone (Barlow Girl).

We didn't get great pics-- the top one is actually of the screen on the wall. We got a few video clips; I'll have to see if I can get them on so you can hear a bit of it.
Ever since her audition on Oct 21, Katie was very nervous about doing this: she didn't feel like her audition went all that well, and she didn't have much confidence in herself. Of course, she didn't believe me when I contradicted that, either. This Thurs, I arranged a voice lesson for her with our music pastor-- she got to sing her song on the stage at church with the microphone, and that really seemed to help. By the 3rd time thru it that night, it had really improved; but, then, last night-- I've never heard it that good! She said, "It just clicked."
The senior who was emceeing the program said she had such a large voice for such a small person :) and then the judges had some great comments for her, too. It was fun to hear a bunch of students cheering for her as well.
She didn't not get one of the top 3 prizes, but she was definitely in the top half of the 15 total. Top 3 were a Korean boy playing the piano and singing, a Korean girl playing a wonderful Beethoven piano piece, and 2 senior girls doing a parody of California Girls ("Grace Academy Girls"). The voting was interesting-- each audience member got one vote and the 2 judges got weighted votes (60 for the person they thought was first place, etc).
Other acts-- a drum solo, several monologues and skits, a guitar duet, a couple solos-- one with piano and one with a "band", a girls vocal duet.
Afterward, several people had wonderful comments to tell us about Katie's voice and her solo. It will be interesting to see what she'll want to do with singing in the future. She did a terrific job on this solo, but mostly she likes to sing harmony.

Party Time

Yesterday Claire went to her friend Addison's bday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Had a great time, and Daddy snapped away with the camera. :) Nice that almost their whole 1st grade class (girls) were there. Claire and the birthday girl

Friday, November 5, 2010

Book Review

Recently, Katie wrote a book review for school. I very much enjoyed reading it. Thought you would too:

by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton

I have read this fabulous real-life fiction book by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton numerous times. Every time I read it, it makes a different impact on me.

Junior Amber Thomas is a fantastic swimmer, an outstanding student, and has a positive attitude. Rumor says Amber is going to be on the school soccer team. At first, she takes the odd idea lightly and kindly says she is definitely NOT going to be on the team. Then when her dad-- a former star soccer player-- finds out, he is overjoyed and ecstatic that his daughter is going to take after him. Of course, it HAS to land on his birthday! Amber has no choice but to impress Mr. Thomas by being on the team. Amber and her dad work every day on soccer skills, but Amber is sure she doesn't have the soccer gift.

Then more comes up. Her "friend", Alex Diaz, comes to Amber's house all the time. She gives her Bible verses to put on the TodaysGirls.com website that Amber came up with, just for her and her high school friends, including Alex. She knows that THIS isn't the real trickster Alex! WHAT is going on?

At the same time, the principal at school announces a Web Master contest to see who can create the best website about school news and happenings. Amber is determined to win, being the website creator that she is already. But one of her classmates, Samantha, is also competing. And it's known that Sam is a computer whiz. Will Amber be like Jesus and be considerate and loving?

I love how Knowlton translates some of the book into a computer conversation among Amber and her friends. It's great for preteens and teenagers because it relates to everyday life. I highly recommend this book for preteen and teenage girls who need guidance for their decisions in life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Piano Acquisition

We are now a 2-piano family! Some people have 2 TVs, or 2 computers-- we have 2 pianos. And I'm thrilled! My friend and piano student, Bunny (I blogged about her a month ago), had a nice digital piano that her family decided to give to me. I'm pretty sure Bunny even told me once that she wanted me to have it after she would die, and, at the time, I didn't know what I'd do with a digital piano. I really don't want a digital piano for my main piano-- just not the same! And I have to listen to it hours and hours every week, to say nothing of playing it myself. However, it also has tons of benefits-- a volume button, headphone capability (I think, haven't figured this out yet), small size, and tons of fun options for sounds, etc. The girls have had tons of fun messing with it, and I love the increased interest in piano again. Plus, Katie and Jenna both got their practicing done yesterday DURING my piano lessons. Otherwise, with all my students, it gets a little tough to arrange time for them to get their practicing accomplished.

Roxbury Weekend

Friday we went up to the Thrush cabin in Roxbury for a night and most of Sat. It's the cabin that Gma W's family has owned since the 1920's, I think. Chad's parents came also. Not a very big cabin, but it worked fine for one night.
Here you can see the girls were painting sugar cookies shaped like leaves and pumpkins. Micah even sort of painted one, and then Gma quickly baked it so he could eat it. :)
It was a great time to be there-- weather was cold but not rainy, and there were hardly any other people at the camp. We had the playground to ourselves.

I don't know if Micah tried the slides, etc more than once-- he saw the large sandbox and spent the whole time there.

This playground has an unusual balance beam-- sort of S-shaped and not sturdy-- it's made so that it can turn-- makes it pretty hard to get across. Katie was a whiz at zipping across it, but I still beat her in chicken fights! :)

Claire showing off her new winter coat-- I had gotten new ones for her and Katie last March or so when they were deeply discounted... $70 coats for $15. I had left the tags on so I could enjoy that price again when I got them out this fall. :)

This is the only pic that I got that really shows the Roxbury area much. Very wooded. Great stream to play in and around. Chad helped girls catch a crayfish; Katie found a log across the stream that she could run across; and Claire by mistake steps into the water up to her ankles. A little cold for that!

Someone found this salamander (Gpa and Claire?) on the scavenger hunt Gma planned. Katie and Claire both wanted to take it home as their pet, and they were almost fighting over it-- I told them it would be much happier staying here, so Claire just spent the rest of our time there (1/2 hour or so) holding its dish and talking to it and touching it. Right before we left, we all went with her back to the stream, and she picked it up to put it on a rock by the water. I think Jenna was horrified that Claire was touching it. :)

Here are the scavenger hunters.... Besides the leaves and strings and rocks they found, Gma had brought along more than a hundred pennies that she also tossed around the ground for them to hunt up.

We asked the kids what their favorites of Roxbury were. Katie said the food and the stream, Claire said the salamander, and I think Jenna said the game we played-- an idea Anita brought from a magazine-- write a question on a paper, pass it to next person, they write answer and fold down the paper so the next person can't see the first person's question, and it keeps going around-- got really silly.
There are a few cabin videos at the end of this. After leaving the cabin, Chad took K and J to the annual Mummer's Parade in Hagerstown. It starts at 6pm, so it's dark, and cold, and long, and late-- fun if you're dressed warmly and you don't have any little kids along, so I took C and M home for baths and a video. Our parade-goers only stayed for part of it, long enough to see the Grace float.

Her'es Katie showing off her new winter coat at the parade.

First Date

Before I get to my other posts about the past weekend, I have to tell you that yesterday was the 17th anniversary of my first date with Chad. :)

For the first time, it seemed like the girls really seemed interested to hear the details of it. We even got out the AVB cassette tape we listened to in the car that day-- girls thought it was pretty funny.

I case you don't remember the details...

Chad had already asked me out for the fall play at Cedarville (and I'd said yes), but then he asked me to go to Young's with him after pep band practice and my Funky Piano class that evening. He picked me up at my dorm in his Laser and off we went. I wasn't sure if it was a REAL date or not-- something about how he'd worded it, I guess-- so I was prepared to pay for my own ice cream, but he did. :)

Wish I could remember what I wore, etc.