"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Jer and Dani's visit

Jer and Dani came out East for a week-- mostly stayed in PA, but we got a few little pieces of them. :)  On Tuesday, they came down here.  Went out to supper and stayed the night.  We played a large game of Dutch Blitz with 8 of us-- very fun.  Wed morning Chad took off work and went on a bike ride (gorgeous weather) with Jer and their dad.  We women dropped the girls off at school and then took Micah to IHOP.  He was totally happy with the pancakes he ate there.  He was not quite as happy about the thrift shops we visited after that, but I enjoyed them and got some fun things-- mostly books and a few mystery plants.

 On Friday after school, Chad took Claire and Micah up to PA.  Many of the Wingert/Hess/Lehman clan met at Hoss' where they'd reserved a separate room.  Had fun catching up with the cousins-- most of which we haven't seen since Gma W died in Dec 2010, I think.  Katie had a school program she had to be in, so Jenna and I stayed to watch that, then the 3 of us drove up to PA.

 We spent the day Saturday there.  A bunch of us went tennising.  Watched some good home video.  Played several rounds of Balderdash (fun now that the girls are all old enough to join in).  Ate too much good food. 

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