"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 21, 2012

Jenna's Field Trip

For Jenna's field trip last week, we went to Renfrew Institute in Waynesboro, PA.  It was a beautiful day and beautiful place!  In this first pic, her class is getting their "community assignments" from the Mayor and the Judge.  Jenna was a "small furry seed-reducer".  All the kids were plants or animals with similar fun names.  They had to learn about what kind of environment they needed; then we walked around the park to some different environments to learn more about each.  The 2 ladies did a fantastic job of creatively teaching and keeping order, etc.

 Antietam Creek runs thru the park

 The barn we walked up to-- a Pennsylvania Bank Barn.  The man who gave our tour helped restore the barn in 1989, so he knew EVERYTHING about it.  I found it very interesting, but I think the kids were fairly bored.  A lot of his language went over their heads.  I'm sure my dad would like to talk to him. :)
 Here Uncle Tietam was showing us a joint from the old barn.  Fascinating how they fit it together and used wooden pegs.
 The first time I ever climbed over a stile, at least that I remember.

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