"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 7, 2012

Claire's Rough Week

Last week was a rough one for Claire... On Sunday evening, at Children's Choir, she started acting VERY tired.  Decided to let her sleep in Mon morning, but she wasn't feeling well enough to go to school at all that day.  She got up and got dressed to go to school on Tues, but still wasn't feeling well enough.  Not BAD, just not well.  Wed she actually threw up once, but felt pretty good later.  Same thing Thursday.  Friday, I took her to the dr because she was having some bathroom issues-- wanted to make sure there wasn't an infection.  Nope.  Just a virus, that caused some bathroom issues along with the general yucky feeling.

Weird part is that some days she ate almost normally for part of the day, and she acted fairly normal part of the day.  Even this morning, she felt good and ate breakfast-- not as much as usual-- but then her stomach hurt for a little while.  Nice today is a snow day.

Biggest bummer of the week for Claire-- besides missing 5 days of school (and she really misses her teacher and friends!)-- she missed 2 field trips!  Boy, were we disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear...I remember how bad I felt when I had to miss the Tiemeyer Christmas Party with all my cousins, at the fire barn in Cutlerville. I'm still disappointed. Then, there was the time I missed my geometry exam because I had to have an appendectomy -- huge disappointment (NOT!) I hope she is on the mend and was selfish with that virus. When one is sick, the whole family feels bad!
