"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 28, 2012


Boy, are my subject titles getting boring.  Maybe I should hire Eric.  :)  While doing a little weeding in the flowerbed a few days ago, I came across a turtle.  Kids had great fun putting it in a box and supplying it with food.  Jenna looked up on the internet what she should feed it, etc.  Then the next day, we found another one-- actually caught in the trap we have set up to hopefully catch our friendly groundhog.  The kids really would have loved to keep those turtles for pets forever, but we decided against it.

 I think this is probably BEFORE Micah dropped the poor turtle...

1 comment:

  1. How cool that you have a veritable zoo of small animals right in your forested backyard... the kids wouldn't be able to experience that as much if you lived in some nondescript cookie-cutter subdivision. And what a great shot of Claire puckering up for the turtle!
