"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 28, 2012

Jenna's State Luncheon

One of Jenna's social studies projects this year was to research a state.  She chose Iowa because of all the fond memories she has of visiting Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ron and their bakery in 2010.  She made a great powerpoint presentation which she presented to the class and parents.  We had a luncheon in the lobby of the school-- all the kids brought something from their state.  Some of the items were a little hokey... like apple pies from McDonalds.  What state does that come from?  Any of the 50, I suppose.  But others were fun like cajun chicken.  For Jenna's contribution, we had emailed Aunt Kathy to see about ordering something from Casey's Bakery; and she offered to be Jenna's "corporate sponsor"-- sending a ton of goodies!  We very much enjoyed the almond patties and rusk buns.  Sure wish I could buy those rusk buns more regularly! 

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