"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

The whole weekend was lovely-- gorgeous spring weather and lots of time together.  Saturday, Chad stained the playset and the rest of us were in and out enjoying being home ALL day.  We've been extremely busy lately, so it was very needed.  I tried out some coconut pancakes (not my favorite) and we taste-tested some coconut popsicles (wonderful).  We played games and the girls did some crafting.  Watched a video in the evening. 

Sunday morning Chad got the kids' breakfast and dressed Micah-- that starts things out right. :)  Then we had to be at church early for children's choir to sing (our last of the year).  We tried a 2-part song with the piano.  Went pretty well.  Next year, I'm hoping to have just my 1st-3rd grade group again.  We won't attempt many 2-part things, but it'll be more manageable for me.

We all changed clothes at church, picked up lunch (Chinese McDonalds), and went to War Memorial.  Lovely weather.  Very pretty park.  Enjoyed our lunch then Chad took C and M to the playground.  K and J and sat on the blanket and read books-- and listened to the ice cream truck that parked right behind us for a bit.  Provoked some comments about how miserable it would be to drive that thing and have to listen to that same song all day.

Stayed home for the rest of the day.  Read, napped, watched home videos.

Chad and the kids all had very nice cards and notes for me.  I'm pretty sure Micah didn't know he was writing "You are a very nice mommy", but it was cute to see it in his handwriting. :)  Micah's teachers at church had also helped him make a colorful bracelet for me and they gave him a rose to give me.  He was pretty proud of both!

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