"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 21, 2012

Antietam Rec

Grace kids up to 8th grade went to Antietam Rec last week, if they had good behavior for the year.  All 3 of our girls got to go. : ) Here's Jenna on the zipline.

 Last year, Claire got up to the zipline and then was too scared to go.  This year, she had already decided she was going to do it, so that was the first thing we headed for in the morning.  Of course, when she got up there, it was hard to step off... She took at least a full minute, maybe more, while everyone watched and the line behind her waited.  Finally the girl running it sort of picked Claire up and sent her off.  She LOVED IT.  I think she did it 7 or 8 times during the day.

 She liked this man who caught everyone at the end.  He often had something funny to say.  Really got a kick out of how Claire was so hesitant at first but then loved it-- called her the Zipline Queen and their Number One Fan.  He really got a workout when some adults tried it, because he had to catch/slow down the person at the end every time.
 This is what Katie did with her friend Elizabeth a large chunk of the day. :) 

 While we all ate lunch, an illusionist did a magic show.
 Boys were allowed to swim in the morning; girls in the afternoon.  Pool was nice and warm and it was lovely out.  Claire swam for about an hour, but there were too many other fun things to do to swim all day. 

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